Rabu, 21 Oktober 2015



Word is a sound or combination of sounds that has a meaning and is spoken or written, a brief remark or conversation : something that a person says.Word also an order or command
Word is  a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use and the entire set of linguistic forms produced by combining a single base with various inflectional elements without change in the part of speech elements.


A.    Kind of  Words
Ø noun: A noun is a person, place, thing, quality, or act.
Examples : shoes, turtle, anger, sadness, town
Ø Verb: Verbs are action or existence words that tell what nouns do.
Examples: to laugh, to read, watched
Ø Adjective: An adjective describes a noun.
Examples: bald, heavy, useful
Ø Adverb: An adverb describes a verb, adjective, or adverb. It often ends in 'ly'.
Examples: simply, patiently
Ø Interjection: An outcry or sudden utterance. Usually starts a sentence.
Examples: ouch, god, my
Ø Preposition: A preposition describes the relationship between a noun and another noun (or verb or adverb).
Examples: at, down, to, from
Ø Conjunction: A conjunction joins together words, phrases, or clauses.
Examples: but, and, so
Ø Pronoun: A pronoun replaces a noun or noun phrase that is understood from context.
Examples: she –her, I-me, it-it,you-you,he-him,we-us-they-them
B.     Part of words
1.      Raw Word
Raw word  is a word used in accordance with the rules specified Indonesian. as the main source of raw language is Indonesian Dictionary. The word used in a sentence official standard, both verbally and in writing to the disclosure of the right idea.
The use of the word raw
a)      Correspondence between institutions
b)      Scientific Authorship
c)      Cover the work
d)     A decree
e)      Legislation
f)       Memorandum of service
g)      Meeting service
h)      Official Speech
i)        Discussion
j)        Submission of education
k)      And so forth.
2.      Loan word
Loan word is a word that is derived from other languages ​​(local language / foreign language) which then spelling, speech, and writing tailored to the narrative of the people of Indonesia to enrich vocabulary. Each community has about the way language is used to express ideas and feelings, or to mention or refer to objects in the vicinity. Until at some point in time, the words generated by the agreement itself is generally sufficient public purpose, but when there is a relationship with another language community, it may appear the idea, concept, or a new item that comes from outside the culture. By itself also needed a new word.
ü  Acting – Acting
ü  Allergy - Alergi
ü  Application - Aplikasi
ü  Prediction - Prediksi
ü  Renovation - Renovasi
ü  And so Forth
C.     Functional Words In Sentence
The word, as one of the elements forming the sentence, has several functions
1.      Function Subject (S)
The subject in a sentence, is determined based on several characteristics, namely: The answer to who is doing the action / activity predicates.
Example: Mom bought vegetables at the market this morning
The subject is the mother conducting predicate (buy)
2.      Function Predicate (P)
Predicate in a sentence is an important element that describes the subject.
Example: Mom bought vegetables at the market this morning.
Bought as a predicate, provide information about the activities carried out in the mom market this morning.

3.      Function Object (O)
Object in the sentence, has an important function in providing information about predicate.
Example: Mom bought vegetables in market this morning. Vegetables as an object, giving information about the goods purchased by the mother at the market this morning.
4.      Function Description (K)
Information in the sentence, has the function which really is not that important, but it can clarify the sentence so that the complete message is conveyed.
Example: Mom bought vegetables at the market this morning.
In the market as a description, explain where mom bought vegetables. Should not be included. However, by specifying it, so readers know where mom bought vegetables this morning.
5.      Complementary Function (P)
Complement in a sentence, often ambiguous existence. The word that serves as a complement sometimes could also serve as an object and or information. It takes foresight to classify functions.
Example: Mom bought vegetables at the market this morning.
This morning as a complement in the sentence above, supplementary information explaining the current time mom to buy vegetables in the market.
Example: sister eating fish. The fish in the above sentence could serve as an object, but also can serve as a complement.
D.    Word Order
Word order is the construction of parts of speech to make or create various  constructions of sentences
v  Basic Constructions
Ø  Normal construction
Use To Be instead of verb in a sentence
S + To Be + (adj /adv /noun)
e.g. I am a student
       He is not fine
       Are they in the class now ?
       Who are you ?
Ø  Verbal Construction
Use Verb in a sentence
S + Verb + (adj /adv /noun)
e.g. l sleep in the bedroom
       He does not feel good today
       Do you understand ?
       Where does she live ?

A.    Conclusion
According to the above explanation, we can conclude that “word” not only has special meanig but also has kinds, parts, functions, and order of words. And there are some words are more difficult to spell than others.

Education Management

 Education Management Challenges
A.   The Understanding of Education Mangement Challenges
a.       Education is the wealth of  knowledge acquired by an individual after studying particular subject matters or experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of something.
b.      Management is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources. 
Management has the following 3 characteristics:
1.      It is a process or series of continuing and related activities.
2.      It involves and concentrates on reaching organizational goals.
3.      It reaches these goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources.
The 4 basic management functions that make up the management process are described in the following sections:
c.       Challenges is the situation of being faced with something that needs great mental or physical effort  in order to be done succesfully and therefore tests a person’s ability.
d.      Education Management is both a field of academic study and a collective group of professionals that includes principals, teachers and other education professionals.
e.       Educational management is the theory and practice of the organization and administration of existing educational establishments and systems.
From the above definition we can conclude that the challenges of educational management is a science that requires solution or the maintenance in achieving success
B.     Education Mangement Challenges

a.    The Development of Quality Education
By Maruntung Sihombing: Development of quality education, fair and equitable is the desire of all nations. Aside from being a spirit of development, education has also become the frontline in creating a nation's civilization and moral dignity. But education often go unnoticed. Including areas that are in the area leading, lagging, and the outermost regions farthest Indonesia (4T). This is certainly due to geographical factors and is considered an area which is owned by our country. Most of the Indonesian territory that stretches from Sabang to Merauke in the region of 4T. That is why, the development is often not touched the majority of which are in rural areas. Both in Sumatra and Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Papua, Indonesia or even the East and West Indonesia.
From this statement we can conclude if the development of quality education and equitable throughout Indonesia is the great ideals that has not materialized. Many things become obstacles, especially when they want to build education in remote areas

b.      Advancement of Our Education
Seen from the presence of teachers and quality in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. The quality of education is no longer pegged to the great a curriculum, but how to give birth to teachers capable, creative and excel. Logically, it is probably a less competent teacher who is able to apply a good curriculum. But instead, as difficult as any curriculum, if our teachers already qualified and competent, the application can be realized well. In essence, teachers must be equipped beforehand.
So, although the curriculum always changes actually is not abstruction to do the teaching learning process, but that is the way how to depelove education or knowledge. So, when the curriculum have changed the teachers must be equipped beforehand.
c.       The Mental study of Student
In teaching learning process, not all of students can understanding material easily but partly, as a teacher should be familiar with students' mental, learning either mediocre or playing while learning and possible cheating during exams. Thus, a teacher must be able to make the students be resilient or diligent in learning, to foster resilience, a teacher and a student also let always consider any issues or problems that arise as a challenge that must be overcome so that the learning process does not boring.  To make the learning process as not boring we can do:
1.      Interspersed with the rest if you feel tired or bored start continuous learning, it's worth having breaks. Suppose each study 1 hour, rest about 10 minutes. We can do it while out first from the study room, grab a drink or a snack, but do not forget to return again for learning.
2.      Set the Space Learning Leisure classrooms can also make us become good learning atmosphere. Do not let the messy room, first trim items such disheveled, if it is neat to be more extensive plasticity and fresh.

d.      The development of Education of Culture and National Character
In accordance with the Statute (the Statute 1945) of the National Education System (Education), the national education serves to develop and form the character and civilization of dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing students' potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible (Article 3 of the Education Law). To perform its functions and achieve educational goals above, governments, schools, and community certainly has a very important role and strategic. This important role is expected to work synergistically and support each other so that the achievement of the goals of national education above can be realized optimally by the Indonesian people. This effort would not be separated from the culture, and character of the Indonesian nation itself.

Function of education of culture and national character are as follows :
1.      Development
the development potential of learners to be personally well behaved; is for learners who have had an attitude and behavior that reflects the culture and character of the nation.
2.      Repairs
strengthening national education gait to be responsible in the development of potential learners more dignified.
3.      Filter
to filter their own national culture and the culture of other nations that are not in accordance with the cultural values ​​and character of a dignified nation.

                      Meanwhile, educational of culture and character of the nation is as follows:
1.    Developing the potential of the heart / conscience / affective learners as human beings and citizens who have cultural values ​​and national character.
2.    Develop the habits and behavior of students is commendable and in line with universal values ​​and cultural traditions of religious nation.
3.    Instill leadership and responsibility of learners as the future generation.
4.    Develop the ability of learners to be human is independent, creative, insightful nationality.
5.    Develop environment of school life as a learning environment that is safe, honest, full of creativity and friendship, as well as with high sense of nationality and full strength (dignity).

e.    Teaching Method
teaching is a complex endeavor that it is difficult to determine how well the actual teaching. in carrying out a study should be at the start with lesson planning activities, planning has an important function for learning becomes more focused, in the planning of learning many aspects that must be considered by teacher. Guru as a source of learning is obliged to provide a creative learning environment for learning students in the class. One of the activities that must be done is to carry out the determination and selection methods. One method used by the teacher must absolutely in control, so that the user can create an atmosphere of educational interaction. To avoid saturation and the cessation of interest in students to convey the lesson that teachers should use a variety of methods.
So, when we are teaching in the classroom, we can’t use one method but we should use a variety of methods and should be match with the variety characeristic of the student.

f.     The Use of High Technology in Education.
Technology is needed in the construction. Development is all human activities to meet the needs and improve their living standards. Due to improving the standard of living, developing human through education technology. Then put on the results obtained and developed technologies to assist and develop education. So, through education, humans produce technology and with human technology to develop education. That is, each educational institution will try to be able to use the results of technology in education.

g.    There is Efforts to Look for Profits Through Education
At present and will probably continue every human being wants whatever it does produce economic benefits. It also happened in education, so that it becomes the education industry. This means, education providers that invest in educational institutions are trying to benefit from the institution under its management. And an attempt to gain the advantage, making the learners will pay a premium to the organizers of education. If that happens, then education has become the education industry, will produce or make those trying to regain losses due to pay dearly for education. As a result of the effort to get back, will produce a greedy man who only profit oriented economy, selfish, materialistic, corruption, collusion, nepotism, manipulation and harm the public interest, and disrupt life and community life.

h.   The lack of Facilities and Infrastructure
        The lack of state budget for the improvement of education and welfare educators, also merupakaan ketidakmajuan contribution to education in various regions in Indonesia. In many places in Indonesia, was found damaged schools and lack of facilities  only two or three teachers who teach classes for all children of school age do not have the opportunity to learn, due to various social and economic constraints, and so forth. So, if  we got the lack of facilities we wiil got difficult to convey material as well as the student, the student will be uncomfortable to learn.

Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Types of Assessment

Some Types of Assessment
a.      Formative assessment
Formative assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. It does not contribute to the final mark given for the module; instead it contributes to learning through providing feedback. It should indicate what is good about a piece of work and why this is good; it should also indicate what is not so good and how the work could be improved. Effective formative feedback will affect what the student and the teacher does next.
b.      Summative assessment

Summative assessment demonstrates the extent of a learner's success in meeting the assessment criteria used to gauge the intended learning outcomes of a module or programme, and which contributes to the final mark given for the module. It is normally, though not always, used at the end of a unit of teaching. Summative assessment is used to quantify achievement, to reward achievement, to provide data for selection (to the next stage in education or to employment). For all these reasons the validity and reliability of summative assessment are of the greatest importance. Summative assessment can provide information that has formative/diagnostic value.
c.       Interim assessment
Interim Assessment takes place occasionally throughout a larger time period. Feedback to the learner is still quick, but may not be immediate. Interim Assessments tend to be more formal, using tools such as projects, written assignments, and tests. The learner should be given the opportunity to re-demonstrate his/her understanding once the feedback has been digested and acted upon. Interim Assessments can help teachers identify gaps in student understanding and instruction, and ideally teachers address these before moving on or by weaving remedies into upcoming instruction and activities.
d.      Alternative assessment
Alternative assessment, often called authentic, comprehensive, or performance assessment, is usually designed by the teacher to gauge students' understanding of material. Examples of these measurements are open-ended questions, written compositions, oral presentations, projects, experiments, and portfolios of student work. Alternative assessments are designed so that the content of the assessment matches the content of the instruction.
e.       Effective assessment
Effective assessment give students feedback on how well they understand the information and on what they need to improve, while helping teachers better design instruction. Assessment becomes even more relevant when students become involved in their own assessment. Students taking an active role in developing the scoring criteria, self-evaluation, and goal setting, more readily accept that the assessment is adequately measuring their learning.
f.       Authentic or work-integrated assessment

Authentic or work-integrated assessment is an assessment where the tasks and conditions are more closely aligned to what you would experience within employment. This form of assessment is designed to develop students skills and competencies alongside academic development. The Collaborate project at Exeter developed a set of tools to support academic staff in the design of authentic assessments, including a dimensions modelTest and associated Tech Trumps. There is also an online Assessment Designer available which will allow you to design an assessment using a PC or tablet device.
g.      Diagnostic assessment

Like formative assessment, diagnostic assessment is intended to improve the learner’s experience and their level of achievement. However, diagnostic assessment looks backwards rather than forwards. It assesses what the learner already knows and/or the nature of difficulties that the learner might have, which, if undiagnosed, might limit their engagement in new learning. It is often used before teaching or when a problem arises.
h.      Dynamic assessment

Dynamic assessment measures what the student achieves when given some teaching in an unfamiliar topic or field.  An example might be assessment of how much Swedish is learnt in a short block of teaching to students who have no prior knowledge of the language. It can be useful to assess potential for specific learning in the absence of relevant prior attainment, or to assess general learning potential for students who have a particularly disadvantaged background. It is often used in advance of the main body of teaching.
i.        Synoptic assessment

Synoptic assessment encourages students to combine elements of their learning from different parts of a programme and to show their accumulated knowledge and understanding of a topic or subject area. A synoptic assessment normally enables students to show their ability to integrate and apply their skills, knowledge and understanding with breadth and depth in the subject. It can help to test a student's capability of applying the knowledge and understanding gained in one part of a programme to increase their understanding in other parts of the programme, or across the programme as a whole [1]. Synoptic assessment can be part of other forms of assessment.
j.        Criterion referenced assessment

Each student’s achievement is judged against specific criteria. In principle no account is taken of how other students have performed. In practice, normative thinking can affect judgements of whether or not a specific criterion has been met. Reliability and validity should be assured through processes such as moderation, trial marking, and the collation of exemplars.
k.      Ipsative assessment

This is assessment against the student’s own previous standards. It can measure how well a particular task has been undertaken against the student’s average attainment, against their best work, or against their most recent piece of work. Ipsative assessment tends to correlate with effort, to promote effort-based attributions of success, and to enhance motivation to learn.


CHAPTER  I INTRODUCTION Word is a sound or combination of sounds that has a meaning and is spoken or written, a brief remark or conve...